Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It Just Goes To Show.

It just goes to show, C was wrong. So the news? C's birthday, and what? Her birthday present was a boyfriend? Why yes it was. T. Its true, T and C are together. And what a cute couple they were. T helped decorate C's locker it was sooo cute. Then KM tired them together with ribbon when they were hugging OMG. Cute. I know I'm kind of obessing, but I mean it IS the newest, hotest couple at SWC. But here's the down side. S.J. He has been down about this, and seeing him sad is horrible. But I rather not go there, its not my dish to deal.

Speaking of S.J, JL and ADDA never liked him. Gasp. What? That's right I said it. They never liked him, I mean whats not to like? Anyways this has no additional info. But semi-related to topic, SA is mad a CL because she now was KS. SA can't be mad, she isn't even at our school. And KS is a sweetie so SA better back off, well then again, who's going to do anything.

A few people weren't here today I notices. KO was one, nothing new there. KO is sick, she told me, so don't go asuming anything exciting is happening. I was (and no not me. Miz Maggs) was missing. I want to know whats going on there. SB missed again, as usual.

I have nothing else to say other them Mrs.R is pissing a whole load of students off. Be warned.

You Know You Love Me

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